【SPECIAL】The Three Wise Tellers
「錫色」にまつわる3つのコラム - 皆川明/「MINÄ PERHONEN」デザイナー
各号のテーマカラーから想起される物事を、さまざまな分野で活躍する3名の著者が執筆するLula Japanのコラム連載「The Three Wise Tellers」。Issue 21は、金属の錫に由来する明るい灰色である「錫色」にまつわるお話。第2回は、「MINÄ PERHONEN」の創設者であり、世代を超えて続くデザインを作る皆川明が、旅の記憶を呼び起こす錫色について綴る。
2. Akira MinagawaDesigner
Speaking of suzu-iro, I imagine the color of old pewter dishes found in European antique stores.
It is the color of a deep gray sky with dark clouds that foretells of a downpour in the distance.
There are some that come to mind, such as the rims of dishes that seem to have light shining through that sky, some that are partly softly glowing, and some with three-dimensional reliefs of plants and fruits.
When I found something that felt like an encounter, as long as it fit into my travel itinerary or the space in my suitcase, I brought it home with me.
Although the weight is my concern, I don’t need to carry them in my carry-on luggage because I don’t have to worry about them breaking, which is nice and easy.
I don’t have any plans for what to do with them at home after bringing them home, and they end up fitting into the scenery of my house, which has become the dwelling of other small antiques.
And one more thing.
Perhaps because I have seen scenes of old life through old Western paintings, I think the color of tin matches with candlelight.
Candles are one of the indispensable lights in my daily life, so when I found pewter candlesticks, I brought some of them to this house from my travels, considering the thickness of the candles.
These old candlesticks appear here and there around the room like mushrooms, and when the candles are lit, the flickering lights play and illuminate the surrounding scenery.
Pewter and candlelight.
The two become a faint light and shadow, reflecting the memories of the journey on the screen of my mind.
Akira Minagawa/皆川明:
東京都生まれ。1995年にファッションブランド「MINÄ」を設立し、2003年より名称を「MINÄ PERHONEN」に。
2025年2月6日(木)まで、韓国・ソウルの東大門デザインプラザ(DDP)にて「design journey: the circle of memory」が開催中。