Encounter|Olivia Arte
A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.462 “Sometimes I Don’t Know Where You End and I Begin”
Photography and Video by Olivia Arte
Styling by Olivia Arte and Flora Velloso
Hair by Deshimona Nathanael
Make up by Flora Velloso
Retouching by Johanna Nilsson
Video Editing by Wilma Wallin
Video Music by Teo Arte
Models by Asrar and Eden at MIKAs Stockholm
Olivia Arte/Photographer and Visual creator
「Emotional connection(感情的な繋がり)」
ヘアスタイリスト Deshimona Nathanaelと、メイクアップアーティスト Flora Vellosoとのコラボレーションによって、私たちは実験的かつ大胆な作品作りを目指しました。
撮影はすべて私のMamiya RB67の120mmフィルム、そしてCanon R5で行っています。
This story explores sisterhood, friendship, and the motif of braids.
This beauty editorial captures the sense of being so emotionally connected to another person that your identities blend.
Collaborating with Hair stylist Deshimona Nathanael and Makeup artist Flora Velloso, we aimed to create something experimental and bold.
We’ve shot everything on 120 mm film on my Mamiya RB67 and filmed with the Canon R5.
The theme is being so intertwined with someone that individuality begins to merge into shared experience.
In female friendships and family relationships you can sometimes feel that you are braided together so seamlessly and emotional that you don’t know who you are without each other.
And inspiration for this story was our own female friendships, sisterhood and symbolism of braids.
The styling focuses on braids as a central symbol, weaving together the narrative of unity and identity.
Olivia Arte:
作品はOdalisque MagazineやCake Magazine、33 Magazine、Connoisseur Magazineなどに掲載されている。
A Swedish photographer and visual creator based in all over Europe.
She has always been obsessed with painting, art and photography since she was a small child.
Mainly work with fashion and her work featured in publications such Odalisque Magazine, Cake Magazine, 33 Magazine, and Connoisseur Magazine.