1. トップ
  2. メイク
  3. 灼熱の街に溶け込む少女


  • 2024.9.11

Encounter|Laia Mas


「Encounter=出逢い。」 世界中に存在する、アーティストたちとの巡り合い。 多彩なクリエイターたちの才能を披露する場として、 彼らが表現する、瑞々しく、独創的な作品の中から 琴線に触れる作品を編集部がピックアップ。選び抜かれた、個性豊かな感性に想像を巡らせて。A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world. As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world. Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.

No.440 “Sun Kissed Bliss”

Photography by Laia Mas
Styling by Ainhoa Armañanza
Make up by Sofía
Model by Joana

all vintage clothes by NORMA VINTAGE

Laia Mas/Photographer and Graphic designer (Barcelona based)

「The Hottest Days of the Year(1年で最も暑い日々)」
“Sun Kissed Bliss” は1年で最も暑い日々の中で、ふと立ち止まる瞬間に寄せた歌です。



“Sun Kissed Bliss” is an ode to those pausing moments on the hottest days of the year.

The aim of this editorial is to represent those moments of heat where one is in front of the fan, seeking for a breath of fresh air, and walking down the street, trying to camouflage into the white of the city in order to decrease the body temperature.

To capture this feeling, we put a lot of effort into the make-up, making it look sun-kissed, sweaty and sweet. The styling was also important to corroborate that sense of chameleonic harmony between the girl and the environment.
And of course, the spontaneity of backgrounds and framing gives it a sense of freshness that we were really seeking.

Laia Mas:
バルセロナのF.D. Schoolにてファッションフォトグラフィーを学び、最近では、TWOJEYSのグラフィックデザイナーやStudioStereoのクリエイティブ・グラフィックデザイナーとして活動した。

Born in 2002, photographer and graphic designer based in Barcelona.
He studied fashion photography at the F.D. School in Barcelona and most recently worked as a graphic designer for TWOJEYS and creative graphic designer for StudioStereo.
