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  2. ファッション
  3. 美しい自然と調和するペルーの豊かな伝統


  • 2024.5.3

Encounter|Marte Diaz & Fabrizio Riccardi


「Encounter=出逢い。」 世界中に存在する、アーティストたちとの巡り合い。 多彩なクリエイターたちの才能を披露する場として、 彼らが表現する、瑞々しく、独創的な作品の中から 琴線に触れる作品を編集部がピックアップ。選び抜かれた、個性豊かな感性に想像を巡らせて。 A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world. As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world. Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.

No.403 “Distrito 43 - Chorrillos”

hat by DIEGO TORRES, earrings by SAINT JEWELRY, belt by ERNESTO RESTRETO, dress stylist’s own
top, skirt, trousers and sandals and earcuff stylist’s own
top by AYNI, hat by ARRE HATS, bag by DIEGO TORRES, trousers and sandals stylist’s own

Creative Direction by Marte Diaz
Photography by Rene Funk
Styling by Fabrizio Riccardi
Hair and Make up by Didi Poma
Models by Alexandra Rojas at INDEPENDENT MODEL MANAGEMENT and Ignacio Montenegro
Production and Casting by TTAG
Special Thanks Diego Torres, Designio, Saint, Are Hats and Ñan Marketplace

Marte Diaz/Creative Director(Peru based)
Fabrizio Riccardi/Stylist(Peru based)

このエディトリアルは、ペルーのリマ南部に位置する地区 チョリヨスで発見した、歴史が織り成す豊かなタペストリーや文化、そして自然の美しさからインスピレーションを得ています。


象徴的な断崖 エル・サルト・デル・フライレから過密状態のビーチまで、この作品は漁師や職人、長年共に過ごしてきた家族といった、チョリヨスの多様なコミュニティの回復力と創造性をたたえています。




This editorial draws inspiration from the rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty found in Chorrillos, a district nestled in the southern stretch of Lima, Peru.

We aim to seamlessly blend indigenous, Spanish, and Afro-Peruvian influences with contemporary fashion aesthetics against the backdrop of Chorrillos’s breathtaking coastal landscapes.

From the iconic El Salto del Fraile cliff to its overcrowded beaches, our editorial celebrates the resilience and creativity of Chorrillos’s diverse communities, including its fishermen, artisans, and long-standing families.

The editorial delves into the theme of cultural fusion and heritage preservation.
By incorporating elements of Chorrillos’s rich history and cultural diversity, we aim to highlight the unique tapestry of traditions that define the district.

Our fashion pieces pay homage to the resilience of Chorrillos’s communities and their ability to adapt thrive in the face of changing times.

This editorial was inspired by the captivating allure of Chorrillos and its multifaceted identity.
We drew inspiration from the district’s pre-Columbian roots, colonial-era charm, and the vibrant livelihoods of its fishermen.
Additionally, the stunning coastal landscapes served as a source of inspiration, infusing our editorial with a sense of natural beauty and wonder.

left - top by AYNI, hat by ARRE HATS, bag by DIEGO TORRES, trousers and sandals stylist’s own,right - earrings by SAINT JEWELRY, bag by ERNESTO RESTRETO, dresses stylist’s own
top and trousers by AYNI, shoes stylist’s own
earrings by SAINT JEWELRY, top, dress, tights and shoes stylist’s own

Marte Diaz:

A producer and creative director based in Peru.
With a visionary approach, she infuses her projects with an ultra-contemporary yet minimalist sensibility.
In her practices, she is exploring new possibilities to develop collaborations with emerging faces, voices, and narratives to promote the creative industry in Latin America.

Fabrizio Riccardi:

An art director and stylist based in Peru.
His style is characterized by conveying feelings, emotions, experiences, and inspirations, which are reflected through his work.
His work has been published in most international independent magazines.
