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  2. ファッション
  3. デジタル時代に彷徨うアイデンティティー


  • 2024.1.31

Encounter|Ramune Raslaviciute & Ryoko Ushio


Encounter|Ramune Raslaviciute & Ryoko Ushio
Top Photo:right - top and earrings stylist’s own

「Encounter=出逢い。」 世界中に存在する、アーティストたちとの巡り合い。 多彩なクリエイターたちの才能を披露する場として、 彼らが表現する、瑞々しく、独創的な作品の中から 琴線に触れる作品を編集部がピックアップ。 選び抜かれた、個性豊かな感性に想像を巡らせて。 A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world. As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world. Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.

No.378 “Translucent”

top stylist’s own
top, shorts and earrings stylist’s own

Art Direction and Styling by Ramune Raslaviciute
Photography by Nicolas Burri
Hair and Make up by Ryoko Ushio
Model by Stasy Boi at Visage International Mgmt

「Digital World(デジタル世界)」






This editorial offers a poignant exploration of identity and perception within the digital age, where the distinction between public and private, real and virtual, is increasingly ambiguous.

It particularly examines the concept of vulnerability in the context of our digital personas, using fashion and styling as a medium of exploitation.

The theme revolves around the interplay of vulnerability and strength in the digital era.
It creatively employs sheer and transparent clothing, which is not typically seen in everyday life, as a metaphor for the blurred boundaries between our private selves and the public images we project online.

The inspiration stems from the digitally dominated world and the often-curated realities presented on social media platforms.
This is reflected in the juxtaposition of natural and exaggerated makeup with the overly transparent clothing.

These elements symbolize the stark contrast between our authentic selves and the enhanced, often unattainable personas we curate in the digital sphere.

This editorial aims to highlight this disparity, using fashion as a vehicle to question and challenge the authenticity of our digital presentations in contrast to our everyday realities.

bodysuit and leg warmers stylist’s own

Ramune Raslaviciute:
展覧会「Blossoms Among Blossoms」やオークション「For Women In War」で注目を集め、作品はMOTERISやBADLON Magazine、ŽMONĖSなどの出版物に掲載されている。

An art director and stylist based in Lithuania.
She utilizes her creative talents in curating exhibitions and styling photoshoots.
She curated the exhibition ‘Blossoms Among Blossoms’ and the auction ‘For Women In War’, which caught attention.
Her work featured in publications such as MOTERIS, BADLON Magazine, and ŽMONĖS.

Ryoko Ushio:
最近は、VANGUARD MAGAZINEや17:23 MAGAZINE、Flanelle Magazineなどでプロジェクトも発表している。

A hair and make up artist based in Tokyo, London, and throughout Europe.
After graduating from Vantan Design Institute Osaka School, she moved to Tokyo.
Her creations range from the natural and authentic to the edgy and modern.
Her recent projects include editorials for VANGUARD MAGAZINE, 17:23 MAGAZINE, and Flanelle Magazine.
