Encounter|Karla Ximena Cerón & Galatea Fernandez
「Encounter=出逢い。」 世界中に存在する、アーティストたちとの巡り合い。 多彩なクリエイターたちの才能を披露する場として、 彼らが表現する、瑞々しく、独創的な作品の中から 琴線に触れる作品を編集部がピックアップ。 選び抜かれた、個性豊かな感性に想像を巡らせて。 A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world. As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world. Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.366 “Ripe fruits fall but not in your mouth.”
Photography by Karla Ximena Cerón
Styling by Galatea Fernandez
Model by Hua Li
Karla Ximena Cerón/Photographer(Mexico City based)
Galatea Fernandez/Stylist(Mexico based)
「Nature and Architecture(自然と建築)」
そして私たちは、カナダ系中国人シンガー Hua Liの最新アルバムのエッセンスを表現したいと思いました。
This work was shoot around a concrete jungle that was rarely empty.
The inspiration comes from plants that can grow in any groove in the pavement and concrete without needing anything.
We wanted to capture the essence of the new album of a Canadian Chinese singer, Hua Li by exploring the dissonance between the organic world and stark urbanism, the interplay between what is soft, lush, natural and what is sleek, contemporary and designer.
We also focused on finding the spaces where nature invades architecture and vice versa.
In styling we reflect Hua’s Chinese roots and the uniqueness of her identity in contemporary futurism and nature, captured in the middle of a concrete jungle like Mexico City.
This is a meditation on the spectrum of femininity.
It is sensual and vulnerable, armored, coy, threatening and delicate all at once.
Karla Ximena Cerón:
A photographer based in Mexico City.
Her work revolves around capturing the surrealism she sees in ordinary life with keen eyes for detail and color.
She creates captivating images across the genres of fashion, still life, portraiture and personal photography.
Galatea Fernandez:
A stylist and creative director based in Mexico.
She is mainly working on music videos and advertising.
Editorial is her happy place to create and escape stereotypes and barriers.