1. トップ
  2. ファッション
  3. 空の表情と共に変化する、2人の繋がり


  • 2022.1.8

Encounter|Anna Miyoshi & Ayano Nakai


「Encounter=出逢い。」世界中に存在する、アーティストたちとの巡り合い。多彩なクリエイターたちの才能を披露する場として、彼らが表現する、瑞々しく、独創的な作品の中から琴線に触れる作品を編集部がピックアップ。選び抜かれた、個性豊かな感性に想像を巡らせて。A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.

No.204 “L'Heure Bleue”
left - top by KOTA GUSHIKEN, shirt and trousers by RANDY, boots and cap stylist's own,right - top by KOTA GUSHIKEN, trousers by PILLINGS, cap by EDNA, shirt, socks and shoes stylist's own
top left - cardigan and top by DOUBLET, shorts by PILLINGS, socks and shoes stylist’s own,top right - cardigan by KOTA GUSHIKEN, top and shorts by PILLINGS, socks and shoes stylist’s own
left - cardigan by KOTA GUSHIKEN, top and shorts by PILLINGS, socks and shoes stylist’s own,right - cardigan and top by DOUBLET, shorts by PILLINGS, socks and shoes stylist’s own

Photography by Anna Miyoshi
Styling by Ayano Nakai
Hair by Yui Suzuki
Make up by Chihiro Yamada
Models by Anna and Karen

Anna Miyoshi/Photographer(Tokyo based)
Ayano Nakai/Stylist(Tokyo based)

「The Blue Hour(青い時間)」

Éric Rohmerが監督を務めたフランス映画「Quatre aventures de Reinette et Mirabelle(邦題:レネットとミラベル/四つの冒険)」で、性格がまったく違う2人の少女が初めて共に過ごした1日のように、無邪気に自然と戯れながら空の色、草の匂い、うつろいゆく陽の光を五感で覚えていきます。


This story is about the time before sunrise and after sunset, when the sky turns into mysterious deep blue.

Just as in the French film ‘Quatre aventures de Reinette et Mirabelle’, directed by Éric Rohmer, two girls with completely different personalities spent their first day together, innocently playing with nature, learning the colors of the sky, the smell of the grass, and the changing light of the sun with their five senses.

The knitwear and all-in-ones, which are full of playfulness and novelty, are all from brands created by young creators in Tokyo.

top by KOTA GUSHIKEN, trousers by PILLINGS, shoes stylist’s own
left - top by KOTA GUSHIKEN, trousers by PILLINGS, shoes stylist’s own,right - top by PILLINGS, trousers and shoes stylist's own
left - jumpsuit by RANDY, top by KOTA GUSHIKEN,right - jumpsuit by RANDY, top by PILLINGS, belt stylist's own

Anna Miyoshi:

A photographer based in Tokyo.
She moved to UK after graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Imaging Arts and Sciences, and returned to Japan in 2020.
She creates works inspired by culture, arts and people's personalities.

Ayano Nakai:

A stylist based in Tokyo.
She became independent in 2019 after working as an assistant under Nobuko Ito.
She is working in a wide range of fields including magazines, advertisements, styling for actors and artists.
