1. トップ
  2. 森の中で探し当てた、自分だけの居場所


  • 2021.11.10

Encounter|Mariona Font


Encounter|Mariona Font
Top Photo:knit top by MANGO, top by ZARA HOME, socks by OYSHO, vintage trousers stylist’s ownTop Photo:knit top by MANGO, top by ZARA HOME, socks and shoes by OYSHO, vintage trousers stylist’s own

「Encounter=出逢い。」世界中に存在する、アーティストたちとの巡り合い。多彩なクリエイターたちの才能を披露する場として、彼らが表現する、瑞々しく、独創的な作品の中から琴線に触れる作品を編集部がピックアップ。選び抜かれた、個性豊かな感性に想像を巡らせて。A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.

No.195 “Snug Cottage”
left - coat by BURBERRY, top by ZARA, shoes by ZARA HOME, vintage trousers stylist’s ownright - knit top by ZARA
shoes by OYSHO, cap by SAYE, vintage jacket stylist’s own
left - knit top by ZARA, shirt by MASSIMO DUTTI, top and shorts by ZARA HOMEright - t-shirt and trousers by ZARA
left - t-shirt and trousers by ZARAright - shoes by ZARA HOME
left - knit top by ZARA, top and shorts by ZARA HOME, socks and shoes by OYSHOright - dress by ZARA, necklace stylist’s own
knit top by MANGO, top by ZARA HOME, socks by OYSHO, vintage trousers stylist’s own

Photography by Mariona Font
Styling by Ivet Puig
Hair and Make up by Ainara Matías
Model by Vlada at Le Troch Management
Photography Assistant by Jaime Perpinyà

Mariona Font/Photographer
(Barcelona based)

「Safe Space(安全な場所)」


This story is about finding a place where you can feel safe.
Somewhere in the woods where you can be between your inner world and the reality outside.
A snug cottage to go find yourself.

I was inspired by my friend’s summer house, a log cabin where we've always created a third universe to feel happy and in peace.

knit top by MANGO, top by ZARA HOME, socks and shoes by OYSHO, vintage trousers stylist’s own
dress by ZARA, socks by OYSHO, shoes by ZARA HOME, necklace stylist’s own

Mariona Font:
