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  2. ライフスタイル
  3. まるで絵本の世界!高円寺のカフェ〈HATTIFNATT〉でメルヘンを満喫


  • 2021.4.16

Known for being a model and a lover of cafes, Alice Saito introduces you to cafes from not only tokyo, but also all over japan and around the world!


I went to cafe HATTIFNATT in Koenji. The entrance to the small café, which looks like a dwarf's abode, is 130cm high.


“From the moment you enter the door, I wanted you to feel like a child again, so I made the door small ," said the owner, Mr. Inada. Fun tricks to get you excited from the entrance!


Their most popular item are pie cake and Caramel Milk Latte. Underneath the whipped cream is a crispy chocolate crunch, homemade custard, crunchy pie crust and so on.


I was very satisfied with the cake, which was both cute and filling. I thought I felt eyes on me, but there was a bear behind me. The pictures of animals on the wall were painted by painter marini*monteany.


Recommended for lunch is the taco rice with lots of vegetables. They use octopus instead of ground meat. There are half a dozen avocados on top.


I kissed the bear The caramel milk latte with homemade caramel sauce is more milky and comforting taste.


At the top of the stairs, there is a loft seating area for a more private feel. There are also happy services such as birthday surprises, so please make a reservation in advance to create fun memories.

〈HATTIFNATT 高円寺のおうち(ハティフナット)〉

12:00~20:00(L.O.19:00) 月曜休
2-18-10 Koenji Kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo. CLOSE: Mon.

Photo:haru wagnas(@wagnas)
