1. トップ
  2. 結婚28周年♡オバマ夫妻が投稿した愛のメッセージが素敵


  • 2020.10.5




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28 years with this one. ? I love @BarackObama for his smile, his character, and his compassion. So grateful to have him as a partner through everything life throws at us. And this year, we have a request for you — pick one person in your life who might not vote and make sure they do. Tell us about it in the comments! That’s an anniversary message of the best kind. Love you, Barack. ❤️?

A post shared by Michelle Obama (@michelleobama) on



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Even with everything going on, I wanted to take a moment to say happy anniversary to the love of my life. Every day with @MichelleObama makes me a better husband, a better father, and a better human. This year, while we appreciate all your well-wishes, what we’d really love is for each of you to reach out to one person in your life who might not vote. Help them get registered. Help them make a plan to cast their ballot. Send them to iwillvote.com to get started. Happy anniversary, Miche. Love you.

A post shared by Barack Obama (@barackobama) on


甘~い♡ また、今年はアメリカ大統領選挙が迫っていることもあり、2人は揃って「選挙に行っていない身近な人に、投票に行くよう呼び掛けてほしい」と綴っています。


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It’s been another heavy stretch for so many of us. And this week’s episode of The #MichelleObamaPodcast is a conversation I had a little while back with my friend Conan O’Brien. It’s about marriage—a source of strength and perspective through times like these for so many of us. We reflect on our own marriages and experiences as parents––and talk about the importance of honesty, authenticity, and being your true self with your partner. And because it’s Conan, this one’s a lot of fun. I think we all can use that right now. Listen in at the link in my bio.

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また、9月30日(現地時間)にトーク番組『ザ・レイチェル・レイ・ショー』でミシェルが話した内容によると、オバマ氏も夫婦間にトキメキを維持する努力を怠らない様子。夏の間ずっと、11月に出版予定の回顧録『A Promised Land(原題)』の準備に追われていた彼はある日、ミシェルをランチデートに誘ってくれたそう。

彼はずっと本を書いていて、一緒に過ごす時間が無かったから、私はちょっと不機嫌になっていたの。そしたらある日、彼がサプライズプレゼントをくれたのよ。2人きりで過ごす、ビーチでのランチデートよ! パラソルの下にビーチチェアを並べて、ワインを飲んでジャズを聴きながら、誰もいないビーチで2人の時間を過ごしたの。

