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  3. 今、NYでするべき6つのこと。To Do in NY(Jennifer Berk)

今、NYでするべき6つのこと。To Do in NY(Jennifer Berk)

  • 2016.3.4

【さらに写真を見る】今、NYでするべき6つのこと。To Do in NY(Jennifer Berk)


So much to do in New York, the possibilities are endless but here are some of my favorite places to visit, eat, and just hang. 

1.abcキッチンで三ツ星シェフの料理を堪能する。(abc Kitchen)

私のアパートから5ブロック歩いた場所にある、三ツ星シェフのジャン−ジョルジュが手がける「abcキッチン」は、NYで一番お気に入りのレストラン。ただ家から近いから気に入っているわけではないんです。とにかく料理が美味しくて、雰囲気も最高。「abc Carpet+Home」(私が思う、NYでいちばん美しいインテリア店)のインテリアに囲まれて食べているような気分に浸れます。ルーフトップで野菜を作っているから、食材はオーガニックでフレッシュ。フルコースでも、簡単なサンドイッチでも、全く飽きのこないレストランです!

Located about five blocks from my apartment this Jean-Georges restaurant is one of my favorite places to eat in all of New York, and it’s not just because it’s “geographically desirable” for me. The food is incredible and the setting is stunning, I mean you’re basically eating inside of the ABC Carpet + Home (which is the most beautiful store in NYC, I think). Think organic, locally sourced and so fresh you’d think the ingredients are grown on the premises, which they are –did I mention the roof top garden? Whether I’m there for a five-course meal or just for the squash toast, I can never get enough. 

abc Kitchen


2.リニューアルしたホイットニー美術館に行く。(The Whitney Museum of American Art)


The new Whitney opened last year and has become one of my favorite places to go in New York ever since. The building alone is worth the walk over to the Meatpacking area. With it’s various outdoor space, where you can just go and hang out, to the sun drenched exhibit floors I find it to be the most inviting and aesthetically pleasing museum in New York. Oh, and the art is amazing too. The Whitney is loyal to American Artists and the way the art is curated is so seamless that the most dedicated art enthusiasts can enjoy it in the same capacity someone with little knowledge of art (like me) can.

The Whitney Museum of American Art


3.バイ クロエで話題のワカモレバーガーを食べる。(byCHLOE.)

お肉好きな人でも満足できる、ビーガンのレストランと言えば、ここ「バイ クロエ」。100%ビーガンで、エコフレンドリーなお店です。テイクアウトもできますが、ラッキーなことに席を見つけられたら(いつも角まで行列ができてるけれど…)、大人気のワカモレバーガーを食べてみて!

A vegan restaurant that even the most aggressive of carnivores can appreciate. byChloe is 100% vegan and eco-friendly to boot. Pick up or, if you’re lucky enough to find a spot to eat in this trendy spot, grab a seat at the hotspot (known for lines around the corner) and dig in to their famous “guac burger.” 



4.ザ・ジュース・プレスでひと息いれる。(The Juice Press)


There is a juice bar on every corner of New York these days but my loyalty and taste buds remain faithful to one of the originals, Juice Press. Not only are their juices and smoothies the most delicious but also their food is so good that sometimes I forget that I’m actually eating healthy. 

The Juice Press


5.新しいバーニーズ・ニューヨークで買いものをする。(Barneys New York)


With a staircase that rivals the one at the New Whitney, the new Barneys is an architectural force to be reckoned with. The newest Barneys outpost opened up in Chelsea in February, in the exact spot that housed their original store. The homecoming is a welcome addition to the neighborhood since they closed the Barneys Warehouse store up the block a few years ago. Welcome home, my wallet is in trouble. 

Barneys New York


6.レッド・ドア・スパでフェイシャルマッサージを受ける。(Red Door Spa)


Sometimes you just need some pampering, and by sometimes I mean at least once a month. The facials are amazing at the Red Door Spa but pick anything off their spa menu and you definitely will not be disappointed.

Red Door Spa 


