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  3. メーガン妃&ヘンリー王子、自主隔離生活についてのヒントを提供


  • 2020.3.23



夫妻の投稿には「Today I feel___________.(私は今日、〇〇に感じます)」というフレーズが書かれたグラフィック画像が掲載されている。

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With everything going on, it’s a lot to take in. Many of us may feel confused. Or alone, or anxious or scared...and in isolation, some of us may just feel bored, or that you don’t know what to do with yourself without your normal routine. It’s perfectly normal to be feeling any of these things. Our emotional well-being is challenged everyday whether we realise it or not, but our lives are usually filled with distractions. Now with constantly changing COVID coverage, we are all adjusting to this new normal and the feelings that come with it. But here’s the good thing (because right now we need to hear good things, right?): Yes, there is isolation and physical distancing, but there doesn’t have to be loneliness. There are resources that can help us all through this process, and ways that YOU can become one of those resources. @crisistextline @giveusashoutinsta @kidshelpphone and CTL Ireland are organisations that need new volunteers now more than ever and have an open door for you to get the support you need. • - If you’re home and feeling bored, you can digitally train to be a counselor and HELP someone who really needs your support! What an amazing way to use this time • - If you feel alone, overwhelmed, depressed, or anxious, you can text one of these lines and talk it through. • - If you are in an abusive relationship and now find yourself in isolation with your abuser, these counselors are there for you. You do not need to suffer in silence. And for those of you who don’t feel comfortable texting with a stranger, reach out to your friends, family and colleagues. Phone calls and video conferencing are such a great way to feel more connected - ask if they’re okay, tell them how you’re (actually) feeling, and use this time to really listen for the answer. If there is someone you know and are worried about, your text may be the thing that saves their life.

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on


さらに「しかし、良い点もあります(今こそ良い情報を仕入れたいですね)」「孤独感や物理的な距離感があるのは確かですが、本当の意味で寂しさを感じる必要はないのです」と続け、「クライシス・テキスト・ライン(Crisis Text Line)」や「シャウトUK(Shout UK)」、カナダの「キッズ・ヘルプ・フォン(Kids Help Phone)」など、サポートが必要な人が電話やメールでケアを受けられるチャリティ団体の情報をリストアップした。







Photo: Getty Images Translation: Masayo Fukaya From TOWN&COUNTRY
