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  3. 精霊が宿る!?と噂のサンモリッツでパワーチャージ。(Jennifer Berk)

精霊が宿る!?と噂のサンモリッツでパワーチャージ。(Jennifer Berk)

  • 2019.5.31

精霊が宿る!?と噂のサンモリッツでパワーチャージ。(Jennifer Berk)
2019.05.31 11:00


If you only think of St. Moritz as a place to visit in the Winter, for skiing, you shouldn’t. Visiting Switzerland in the Spring and Summer is equally, if not more, enticing as the landscape is breathtaking and the activities are endless. 


夏に訪れるなら、セーリングやウインドサーフィンが楽しめる湖へ向かいましょう。シュターツ湖やシルヴァプラーナ湖で、牧歌的な風景を眺めるだけでも癒やされます。景色は1年中変わらない、ですって? 確かにその通り。でも、セーリングやウインドサーフィン、カイトサーフィンなどのアクティビティが楽しめるのは夏だけなんです。シュターツ湖なら、珍しい「ウインドスイミング」にもチャレンジできますよ。


There is something about St. Moritz that just connects you to nature, it relaxes the soul and awakens the spirit. The crisp Swiss air is perfect for long walks, hiking, rock-climbing and biking. 

And during the summer months you can enjoy lake-based activities like sailing, windsurfing, a visit to the idyllic lakes Lej da Staz and Silvaplana are a must-do, while they’re beauty lasts all year they’re most fun during the warmer months where you can go sailing, windsurfing and kite-surfing, and go “wild-swimming” at Lej da Staz.

There is also the stunning Swiss National Park, visiting there between Summer and Autumn is the perfect time to see various wild animals in their natural habitat and, “particularly in October, to witness the stunning golden leaf color of the indigenous trees”.

盛りだくさんのアクティビティを楽しんだら、ゆっくりと眠り、美味しいものを食べてリラックスできるホテルが恋しくなりますね。一推しは、グランドホテル クローネンホフです。ポントレジーナの中心部という便利なロケーションにあり、サンモリッツの華やかなナイトライフも存分に楽しめます。その反面、一歩ホテルに足を踏み入れると、静かで落ち着ける雰囲気が漂っていて、山々を望む美しい眺めに心が癒やされることでしょう。

客室は高級感を惜しみなく漂わせながらも居心地が良く、窓からはアルプスの山並みをバックに、コルヴィリア、ローゼグという2つの氷河を望むことができ、どの部屋も眺めは絶品です。そして、グランドホテル クローネンホフの一番の魅力と言えば、世界的に有名なクローネンホフ・スパです。多くのゲストから「最高級」と絶賛されるこのスパなら、どんな人でも満足できるはずです。マッサージ、フェイシャル、サウナ、バラエティ豊かなバスエリアと、メニューの豊富さも群を抜いていますが、何よりも感心するのは、一人一人に合わせたおもてなしですね。

And with all the activity, you’ll certainly need somewhere to sleep, eat and relax and the Grand Hotel Kronenhof is the best place for that. The hotel is located in the heart of Pontresina and gives you a chance to experience the glitz and glam of St. Moritz but also the calm and peace lent to the visitors by the extraordinary mountain views. 

The rooms are beyond plush and inviting, with views of the mountains and of the Corviglia and Roseg glaciers. There really isn’t a bad room in the entire hotel but one of the main attractions at the Hotel Kronenhof is their world renowned Kronenhof Spa. Described by many as exquisite, the spa has something for everyone. Massages, facials, saunas, various bath areas, truly one of the most expansive spas but without losing it’s personal touch.



The food at the hotel is also among the best in St Moritz - not to be missed is their breakfast where you can sample some of the world’s best Austrian pastries, the sachertorte and of course, the strudel!

The food and wine throughout St. Moritz is worth the visit itself. Of course known for their Cheese Fondue (which is delicious) there are also a lot of places to eat top grade meat that can be paired with amazing wines, which is another specialty of theirs. There is something really special about drinking wine in a place with amazing air, it somehow just elevates the taste. 

サンモリッツの変わらぬ人気の秘密は何でしょう? 世界中からこれほど多くの観光客が訪れ、しかもリピーターになっていくのには理由があります。それは、一年中楽しめる、アルプスを望む美しい風景に加えて、絶景の中で楽しめる豊富なアクティビティが、観光に訪れる人たちの心を惹きつけてやまないからです。いつまたサンモリッツを訪れようかと、今から待ちきれません!

There is a reason why St. Moritz remains as famous as it is and that people travel from all over the world to visit there, and go back over and over again. It’s for their landscape, which is absolutely stunning, all year round and the endless activities you can enjoy while in the picturesque place. We can’t wait to go back.  

Photos: Courtery of Grand Hotel Kronenhof Translation: Tomoko Nagasawa Editor: Jennifer Berk
